Moments With April

My blogs

About me

Introduction A little about April... I am blessed to be the mommy to four blessings, a wife to an awesome husband and a born-again believer working towards Christ-likeness. I am a stayathome/homeschooling mom and plan to homeschool my children through high school. I did not grow up believing this would be a "good" career to have. I was taught that you should be "successful" in the world's eyes. God has changed my heart to believe and know that there is nothing more important then the career He has given me. Nothing I can or will do on this earth is more important then to raise my beautiful children. I am not perfect! I want to tell you that right upfront.:) The blog-o-sphere (I made that word up) shows only a small part of someone's life. I want you to know behind these posts are toys all over the floor, baskets of laundry to fold and dirty dishes on the counter. I am a work in progress! I have to ask God daily (ok every few minutes) for the patience to not yell at my children, perseverance to get done today what He wants me to get done and wisdom to remember to smile and enjoy these moments.