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About me

Gender Female
Introduction I never thought that I'd be a 25 year old woman living with my two amazing sisters and taking care of my Mother who has been suffering from a horrible disease. Her disease is Frontotemporal dementia. It's similar to Alzheimer's but not quite the same. It's an early on-set dementia. My Mom is now 56 years old but was diagnosed around 6 years ago. It's not a fun disease at all especially when the doctors tell you that there's no cure nor is there anything to slow the progression. As the years go on she will need symptom managemnet: anti-pyschotics and sedatives. I was 19 I didn't comprehend what was going on. I was naive and off in my own little college world. I defintely was not prepared for the progression of the disease. 6 Years later, I've come so long with the disease and am able to love and care for my Mom in the best way possible until she is pysically no longer with us (mentally it hasn't been her for many years; it's been Mother). It's definitely not easy but learning to view the disease differently has allowed me grow immensely not only as a woman,a daughter, a caretaker but also as a person. Here's the truth. The laughter and sadness of frontotemporal dementia.