il barbone.

My blogs

About me

Industry Non-Profit
Occupation trucker, ding repair guy, salesman (really weird stuff), orgainic farmer in other countys( hopefully in the grape industry in the states soon/slash camera assistant
Location idono, california, United States
Introduction refer to interests. it was 2:46 on a weds. as hell if i remember correctly. and that's how it began.
Interests cultivation. salt. views. being aloof. i enjoy driving nowhere with music on.
Favorite Movies the endurance, but numero uno is, Shawshank redemption, fo sho. the Goonies, Good Will Hunting, Seven, Fight Club, Amelie, The Breakfast Club
Favorite Music is decided in the morning. sets the tone. Jawbreaker, Ryan Adams, Prince, The Bronx, Elliot Smith, Future Islands, Otis Redding, and some other shit...i just refell in love with, fionn regan, again. i love when that happens
Favorite Books Tuesdays with Morrie, Emergency, On the Road, West of Jesus, Love is a Mix Tape.

you keen? i know you're not. but whatever. i'll ask anyways.