Jessica Terrill, Miss Historic South 2012/MissMSU2011

My blogs

About me

Location Mississippi, United States
Introduction I love to dream about my life and my future. I most enjoy the simple things in life. I have a true passion in my heart for missions. I am a lover of all things artistic and on any given day you can most likely find me curled up reading a good book, or watching one of my favorite old time classic movies. I am a "neat-freak," yet completely unorganized. I get my thrill for competition from my daddy and his love for sports. I have an older sister that I admire and want to be just like (although I would never let her know that). I love to learn new things and visit new places. Even more importantly, I am a Christian and I am constantly discovering new and amazing things in my walk with Christ. I am definitely a planner. However, I have quickly learned that life does not always turn out as we plan. But, somehow, that is the beauty of it—to know that maybe God has a bigger and better plan for me, than I had for myself. I tell you all of these random things because each of them makes up an important part of who I am as an individual. I am Jessica Suzanne June Terrill, and honestly, I am proud of who I am and cannot wait to see what the future holds for me.