
About me

Introduction Bless you all for stopping by. I am a married mother of three and just became a new gramma! I have always known the Lord but came into a closer relationship with him as a teen. I then strayed and sought my own way. When misery and hopelessness drove me back to what I knew was truth, I sought the Lord's forgiveness and we have been on this journey together ever since. I was under the teachings of the protestant denominations but I still longed for something deeper as far as the expression of my worship and walk with God was concerned. I longed for a life more led by prayer and devoted to loving God by serving others. I always was inspired by nuns and wished that lifestyle was available to me when God asked me in prayer one day "Why isn't it available to you?" Suddenly I realized that I was looking at the outside of things. The structure of convent living. Then I began to understand that semi-monastic living was available to anyone who made the choice. That's when I formed The First Order of Christian Sisters. These sisters are joined in a deep desire to live a life led by prayer and communion with God. The main focus being to Love God through serving others.