My blogs
- Advancing on a Broad Front
- Books Worth Time
- 10mm Patriotic War
- Mars-la-Tour on 6 by 4
- Enlightenment Imaginings
Blogs I follow
- A Wargaming Odyssey
- Army Royal
- Battle Game of the Month
- Blue Max Studios
- Blunders on the Danube
- Camisado
- Captain's Blog
- Dux Homunculorum
- Gathering of Hosts
- Gunfreak's Historty of War
- Mad Padre
- Mad Robot Miniatures
- Madaxeman's Wargames Blog
- Olicanalad's Games
- Paco fait le zouave !
- Paint-it-Pink
- RavenstarStudios
- Scotty's Wargaming
- Solo Battles
- The Grand Duchy of Stollen
- The Kingdom of Wittenberg
- The Mad Padre's Wargames Page
- The Northumbrian Wargamer.
- The Royalist Roundhead
- Tiny Metal Men
- Wargaming Girl
- Wargaming Miscellany
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Retired |
Location | Canada |