
About me

Gender Female
Location Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom
Introduction Me? I was born a Sagittarian in the same year that Martin Luther King, Andy Warhol and Robert Kennedy were shot (loud noises scare me). As well as being short sighted, short tempered and short of money…I`m simply…short. I share a happy orange flat with a miserable chinchilla called Grouch. I`m passionate about film, books and music and in each have a penchant for all things ‘quirky’. I eat far too much Halloumi cheese and spend far too much time in pubs lounging and being shy. I have a BA degree, but, like my exercise bike, I don’t use it much! Um...what esle? I still sleep with my teddy bear (actually a monkey called Boo Boo), stay in the cinema till the last credit has rolled, and I love music, passion, the sun on my skin, home made soup in winter, vanilla milk shakes, that gorgeous smell a woman has just behind her ear, kisses and watching thunder storms. (PS: It REALLY bothers me that in the Gender section the 'f' in female isn't capitalised).
Favorite Movies Crash, Stardust, Atonement, Elizabethtown, The World According To Garp, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless mind, Amelie, Frankie Starlight, Almost Famous, TransAmerica, Elling, Being John Malkovich, To Kill A Mocking Bird, Leon, The Hotel New Hampshire, The Station Agent, Donnie Darko, Shrek
Favorite Music The Postal Service, Interpol, Angus & Julia Stone, Martha & Rufus Wainwright, Marah, The Boy Least Likely To, Guillemots, Kaiser Chiefs, Ray Lamontagne, The Feeling, Tegan & Sara, Editors, Orson, K T Tunstall, Arcade Fire, David Ford, Indigo Girls, The Killers, Scissor Sisters, Joni Mitchell, The Kings Of Leon, Amy Winehouse, Texas, Snow Patrol, Madonna, Nick Drake, Damien Rice, Melissa Etheridge, Kate Bush, Dido
Favorite Books The Hotel New Hampshire (John Irving), So I Am Glad (A L Kennedy), Leaning Towards Infinity (Sue Woolfe), His Dark Materials Trilogy (Phillip Pullman), Behind The Scenes At The Museum (Kate Atkinson), Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte), Gut Symetries (Jeanetter Winterson)

Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate?

It'll be made of chocolate that my lowly followers could then eat and enjoy and it would commemorate the victory of mind over matter!