Jess Wundrun

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Human Resources
Occupation mama
Location Wisconsin, United States
Introduction I am going to try to be positive like our new President-Elect Obama. But I have this whole box full o' snark and I'm afraid I'm going to have to use it. Sorry, President O. In your second administration I'll play nice, 'kay?
Interests Politics, dirty jokes, books, knitting, collecting antique globes (of the earth), things that involve lake water, kid stuff.
Favorite Movies Auntie Mame and all other Rosalind Russell movies (except maybe the nun one), Audrey Hepburn movies, Doris Day/Rock Hudson flicks that co-star Tony Randall, Brimstone and Treacle (Sting before Dune), Wizard of Oz, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Rear Window, Blazing Saddles, Whatever is on TCM right now as long as it's not a western
Favorite Music What day is it? I change genres seasonally or sooner. It is a form of XM AD/HD
Favorite Books To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Yacht Race, What is the What, Water for Elephants, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Birth of Venus, The Life of Pi.

Aren't papier mache cuts the worst?

No. Papier machete cuts administered by papier masai are worse.