Sleepy Ferret

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Introduction a sleepy ferret. I enjoy gentle swinging in my blue velvet hammock. I endure long bouts of spaciness and am completely directionally challenged - if you don't keep an eye on me, the spaciness mixed with my directional issues will result in extreme confusion and will take me some time to re-orient myself. As with many other ferrets - food is a constant joy. Our fast metabolisms lead us to eat unnatural portions of any and all types of food available. Again, because of this I must be monitored (if I see a kitkat out in the open, it's in my nature to go for the gold). Also, I have an uncanny inclination towards thievery (again, no valuables on the desks please - I can't help myself). Other than these traits - I'm a very happy ferret and get along with most other animals I come into contact with - I'm always up for a good time (mind you, my ferret-ness may kick in and you'll have a snoring ferret stuck on your couch). So this is me in all my ferret glory... Enjoy