Simon Cherriman

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Environment
Occupation Biologist, Filmmaker, Educator
Location Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Introduction G'day, I'm Simon, and I'm passionate about the environment! I am an environmental educator, specialising in wildlife filmmaking, but I also use photography, writing, public presentations and guided walks, all with the aim of educating and inspiring others about the beauty of our natural world. I believe this is a necessary cause because the human population is becoming progressively isolated from the natural world, and losing sight of the reality of our situation: we depend on a healthy earth to survive. Reconnecting people with nature is vitally important if we are to understand that ecology is the law by which everything on earth is governed, even people. It all starts with taking note of the plants and animals in our backyards. This interest can then spread to streets, local bush reserves, then regions, states and so on. The more we understand, the more we appreciate and the more likely our decisions will be made with consideration for preserving ecological relationships.