Mommy Meryl

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About me

Gender Female
Location United States
Introduction I'm Meryl and I'm a thirty-something stay-at-home (SAHM) but sometimes part-time working mom to a 6 year old daughter. I have been married 13 years to a wonderfully supportive husband and 2 dogs complete our family for the moment. . . I began this blog as a supplement to my website - Chit Chat for Mommies. At whatever stage I have been at with my daughter thus far, there has been nothing more valuable and reassuring then connecting with other moms either going through the same stuff with me at the same time - or others who have already been there and done that. I also feel wonderful when I am able to add my own two cents in and help some other mom out as well. My goal for creating my website was to create that environment for you. Please visit us by clicking on the Chit Chat for Mommies link below. There is no better group to belong to then the mommy group. We are always chatting about lots of interesting things. . .