Brian and Marcey Hickey

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About me

Location West Granby, Connecticut
Introduction Brian discovered the Tibetan Singing bowls as a healing modality while working as a Therapeutic Recreation Director. Brian creates healing in everything he does. His enthusiasm is contagious and a wonderful healer. Marcey is also in the Recreation field and teaches Qigong/Tai Chi Flow; is also a member of the NQA and Certified QiGong Instructor by Lee Holden of Santa Cruz, CA Marcey and Brian both completed 3 levels of Sound Energy Healing with Tibetan bowls through the Hartford Hospital Integrative Medicine Department. Brian and Marcey have conducted many vibrational healings using tibetan bowls, gongs and instruments, Reiki, essential oils and their fabulous healing energy. Marcey now teaches Qi Gong Tai Chi in Suffield. Marcey is a Reiki Master. She also uses the healing of Tong Ren and Tui Na (acupressure) chinese energetic medicine, affecting the bioelectric field of the body. Together Brian and Marcey create wonderful rising and falling rhythms, tonalities and vibrations with a grouping of ancient singing bowls, tuned to the sound of AUM which is a harmonic attunement for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.
Favorite Books Any book by Mantak Chia, The Path of Emancipation by Thich Nhat Hanh, Any book by Thich Nhat Hanh, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay, Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks, The Body Ecology DIet by Donna Gates with Linda Schatz just Watch Speaking of Faith now re-named On Being by Krista Tippett Sunday Mornings at 7:00am on National Public Radio or check out her Podcasts.