Musings of a Mountain Midwife

My blogs

About me

Introduction In truth I have always related to my world through the lens of a midwife. It's inevitable when one is born with a deep calling to serve women. I officially became "qualified" to practice as a midwife in 1979, and opened my own clinic in a rural mountain community in Northern California where I practiced for many years. From that incredible experience came the opportunity to share what I had learned from these women and their families at national and international midwife and birth conferences. These are their stories and my reflections on those experiences. Even though I no longer assist women in childbirth, I have not left midwifery. It informs everything I do: my life as a gardener, and my work as a retreat coordinator at a Tibetan Buddhist Retreat Center where I have lived and worked as a volunteer for the past fourteen years. I now work as a hospice nurse.