7th Wave Wellness

My blogs

About me

Industry Education
Location Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Introduction Through conscious healthy living we can obtain truly dynamic health. By giving the body the proper variables and environment necessary, it's profound ability to heal can be encouraged and initiated. 7th Wave Wellness is the educational component of Dynamic Health (of Ann Arbor, MI) office of Naturopath Dr. Dennis Cousino. Our goal is to empower you with information pertinent to your journey back to good health or as helpful preventative measures. We recognize that each individual is unique, therefore detox programs are highly specialized/tailored to your specific needs. We employ the use of live source, excipient free vitamins, spagyric botanicals, homeopathics, pelotherapy and massage therapy. Testing methods include Quantum Reflex Analysis and EAV- Electro Accupuncture according to Voll. We do not recommend our services or information in place of medical care but do encourage it to be used in a complimentary fashion. Blog posts are written and published by Licensed Massage Therapist, QRA practitioner and Client Care Coordinator Danielle Barski
Interests Naturopathy, spagyrics, homeopathics, nutrition, essential oils, yoga, bodywork, pelotherapy, detox