
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Education
Occupation Multi-Media Producer
Location DC Metro
Introduction Taking his expertise in the Civil War and combining his background in multi-media production, Kent Courtney is developing an on-going program to illustrate interesting facets of the American Civil War. Kent Courtney frequently appears on The History Channel, and he has been heard and seen on: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, BBC, Good Morning America, PBS, The Travel Channel, CNN, C-SPAN and National Public Radio. Kent Courtney has toured throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and Belize and is internationally known for his expertise on music of the 1800's and the historical genres leading up to that era. Kent Courtney's interpretations of Irish, Scottish, English, Nordic and French Folk Music are well-appreciated by Fair and Festival audiences and by means of his multi-media and recorded work. His CDs are standards at National Parks and museums throughout the country. His recording of "Wait for the Wagon" made the top ten downloads list of the Folk Music genre.
Interests History, Music, Culture, Geography, Theology, Philosophy, Cycling
Favorite Movies Stealing Lincoln's Body
Favorite Music Traditional Irish, Scottish, French and Americana - especially Civil War Music.
Favorite Books Returning to the Civil War