Calvin Gluck

About me

Gender Male
Industry Consulting
Occupation Technologist
Location Arlington, Texas, United States
Introduction I earn a living as an information technology consultant consult focused primarily on storage systems, SAN, NAS, data protection, data migration, and cloud services.
Interests I enjoy reading books, news and blogs about science, science fiction, current events, and politics. I also enjoy Amateur Radio Service, spending time outdoors, hiking, fishing, camping, and traveling around the world.
Favorite Movies 2001: A Space Odyssey, 2010: The Year We Make Contact, Apollo 11, Apollo 13, Arrival, Blade Runner, Catch Me If You Can, Contact, The Da Vinci Code, The Dish, Elysium, Europa Report, Everest, First Man, Gattaca, Good Morning Vietnam, Goodfellas, Gravity, Hidden Figures, Kindergarten Cop, The Martian, Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes of Apollo, October Sky, Office Space, Paul (2011), The Right Stuff, Rounders, Space Cowboys, Starman, Twister
Favorite Books Diary of an Apprentice Astronaut, Endurance: a Year in Space, a Lifetime of Discovery, An Astronaut’s Guide to Living on Earth, Never Panic Early, Becoming Off-Worldly, The Greatest Adventure: A History of Human Space Exploration, Homesteading Space, The Martian, Project Hail Mary, Artemis, Seveneves, Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, Cyberpunk, For Us The Living, The Da Vinci Code, Deception Point, Digital Fortress, The Hacker Crackdown, iWoz, A City on Mars, The Murderbot Diaries, The Bobiverse series, Tales From The Golden Age Of The Solar Clipper series, Aquaponic Gardening: A Step by Step Guide, Eating on the Wild Side, Classified Women, Fear Up Harsh, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, Under the Banner of Heaven, Hope After Faith