Rose L

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Education
Location OR, United States
Introduction I was born in Kansas City, Mo. but was reborn when I moved to Oregon in February 1998. Oregon is peaceful, beautiful, green, lush and friendly. I have blossomed here. I love photography, writing poetry, reading, doing needlepoint, crafting, and spending time with friends. I am involved in a Women Writer's Group called Chrysalis and there is so much talent in this group.
Interests I love photography, hikes, writing poetry, needlework, crafting, having fun going places, adventure, and nature!
Favorite Movies Pay It Forward, The Shack
Favorite Music Home Free, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Seals & Crofts, James Taylor, John Denver, Maria Muldaur, Doobie Brothers, Carol King, anything from the 60's & 70's!
Favorite Books I enjoy the series of THE CAT WHO books written by Lilian Jackson Braun. I love childrens books.