s y a r i f u d d i n

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About me

Gender Male
Location taiping, perak, Malaysia
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Introduction I am the avatar of perfect secrecy. A kidDo hav a neurotic behavior. My obsessive compuLsivenesS borders on sLight Lunacy, which I hate and love at the same time. They say I'm the nicest so I guesS Im nice. I Looove cats, I copy, I'm a freak, I'm shy, I'm wiLd, I'm hyper, I'm Lazy, I fight, I Love, I sin, Im' weird, I'm not a genius but I am smart, I fooL, I Laugh, I forgive, I don't fear death, I fear being Left aLone, I can't Live aLone, I depend, I Love songs, I'm experimentaL, I'm adventurous, I have posers, I seE everything as an iLLusion, I enjoy, I form opinions, I curse, I bLame, I judge, I'm quiet, I'm taLkative, I cry myseLf to sLeEp, I kick asS, I get my asS kicked, I caLL, I text, I Listen, I daydream, I don't read, I leave, I'm cool, I'm hot-tempered, I defend, I atTack, I taLk trash, I’m pardonabLe, I hate my enemies, I'm imperfect (duh! who isn't?) I want respect, I disrespect, I love math but hate numbers, I am my own critic, I'm insane, I praise, I'm seLfish, I'm generous, I Love my family, I Love my friends, I love myseLf, I don't Like my Life, I can't do anything with it, I just have to Live with it. I'm reaL.. goshH! this space couldn't fit it all!
Favorite Movies GLEE!