Forty Shades Of Grey

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Location United Kingdom
Introduction I'm Nat. I'm interested in everything. The world both fascinates me and angers me immensely. Everyone else on the internet was sick of my rants, so I decided to start a blog.

I mainly blog about feminism, anarchism, punk, veganism and detesting Tories.

In real life, I'm a 22 year old with a law degree and precarious level of employment, who spends her time trying to get other people to publish her work, going on demos and to gigs and tweeting a lot as @TheNatFantastic.

I used to not moderate comments but I've had to start doing so recently. If you're obviously trolling, your post will be not be published. Other non-publishable offences are racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, classism, boring the pants off me or continuing to make ridiculous claims after I have debunked them once.

This blog is in no way affiliated with the turgid drivel Fifty Shades of Grey, which I consider an affront to feminism and literature alike. I've been around longer and I'm far cooler and better for your sex life.
Interests Drinking, Reading, Writing, Piercings, Debating, Politics, Feminism, Music.