
About me

Gender Female
Location Birmingham, Alabama
Introduction I'm a 30 year old newly married girl living in Birmingham, Alabama. My focus is to make sure my daughter grows up well-rounded, well-adjusted, smart, and wholesome (i.e., not headed for slutty-dom), while I continue to work hard, play hard, and give myself a hard time when I do neither.

My mother thinks I care too much about my pansy pit bull, Cassie, who is anything but a pansy. But owning and loving her has created a passion in me for shelter dogs and specifically the misconceptions and judgment surrounding pit bulls and their owners. My husband brought an English bulldog with him, strangely but aptly named Mr. Pickles.

I like a soapbox. I will try to be honest here despite the probability that I will likely embarrass myself (or at least my sister) at some point.

I'm bought a townhouse in 2010 and have done lots of DIY projects that I will try to post about, as well as just share my thoughts about whatever I feel like. I need an outlet. Thus, I shall blog.