Kimberly Achelis Hoggan aka Sita LivDeep

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Introduction Kim is certified in Anusara and Kundalini Yoga Teacher. She integrates these practices deeply into her life. She loves Anusara for its meticulous and accessible alignment principles, non-dual householder philosophy, and relatable uplifting themes. She loves Kundalini Yoga for its rocket ship speed of taking you deep fast into who you are while helping you shed the internal stories that create suffering. She also holds rituals around the cycles of nature and has spent 5 years apprenticing as a priestess in shamanic traditions. These practices have helped Kim recover from anxiety, depression and addictions. Today her practice helps her align with the ups and downs of life so she can show up for her family, community and the world as the best version of herself. Kim is dedicated to living yoga, she is humbled and grateful to be able to share these technologies and her experience with others. Kim teaches weekly public classes, privates, workshops, international yoga retreats, leads and guest teaches for a variety of 200- and 300-hour yoga teacher training's.

What do you hope to gain from your yoga practice?