Seth and Emily

About me

Industry Student
Location United States
Introduction Seth and I were married on 2-3-09. We met at BYU Idaho in 2005. We graduated on July 18, 2008. I graduated in Organizational Communications and Spanish, and Seth in Economics and Finance. We then went to Momostenango, Guatemala as volunteers teaching English to children. Seth is working at National City Bank. We are very thankful he has a good job. We love Cleveland Heights. We’re excited for our future. We have an adorable kitten, named Scout (like from To Kill a Mocking Bird). I am working on my Masters of Education Degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), at Cleveland State University. I got a job as a Graduate Assistant for the Middle Childhood Ed. program in the Teacher Ed. Dept. at CSU. Life is crazy busy right now, but we know we are where we should be, and we’re happy! We are blessed in so many ways. Life is great.