My blogs
Blogs I follow
Gender | Male |
Industry | Transportation |
Occupation | Trucker |
Location | Cimarron, KS, United States |
Introduction | I've lived here on The Poor Farm most of my life. Located in western Kansas, where the wind blows - supposedly the Dodge City weather station at the airport has the highest average wind speed in the CONUS. It would be the "sticks" out here if there were any trees, but I like it. I really like the spring - when it is calm, and the smell of the fresh wheat and other plants fill the air with a unique "green" smell. My real love is the fall, when the air is cooling and calm, when you breath the air it is like a drink of cool water. Speaking of cool water, my well produces some mighty good tasting stuff. It is hard water for sure - all the faucets have lime on them, but I'll take it over soft mossy smelling reservoir water from the city any day. |
Interests | The Intertubes of course, old movies, eating well, reading blogs, shooting, hunting, scratching my dog and cat behind the ears. |
Favorite Movies | Red River, True Grit, The Cowboys, The Quiet Man, Saving Private Ryan, Witness, Rear Window, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Shane. |
Favorite Music | Classic Rock, XM40, XM49. |
Favorite Books | The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Hornblower Series, Tai Pan, Shogun, Lonesome Dove, The Count of Monte Cristo, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Sea Wolf |