
My blogs

About me

Introduction I am a single mother of two boys, 1 and 6. I worked for at&t for 10 years until I became to sick to work and had to apply for disability. I suffer from Intracranial Hypertension, Acromegaly, Chiari, Congestive Heart Failure and a Pituitary Tumor. I know not enough right? Life is a struggle but I try to stay positive and work through the negative. The more people I meet that have one of my conditions the more I see how silent illnesses can be. Most people think if something is wrong with someone there should be some physical sign to let everyone know. The fact is most of the people who suffer with illnesses and pain could be standing next to you in the grocery line and you would probably not be able to tell. Hopefully through this blog and other avenues I can help raise awareness for silent illnesses like the ones I suffer from and more.