Sapphires N Magik

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Palm Springs, CA, United States
Introduction I believe I must be what they call an "old soul" as I tend to think and act differently than most people my own age. I very much wish that I had been born in a different time. A time where chivalry still existed... a time of knights and kingdoms and the like. I'm a romantic obviously. To me, a life without passion and romance is no life at all. I believe women should be women and men, men and there should be no trouble distinguishing between the two. Some will find that statement lacking in tolerance. That's ok, I know you have your own beliefs and it's possible I don't share them. We are each entitled to our own view. As you may have guessed, I don't believe in being politically correct. I believe in being honest... it is easier...well, sometimes anyway. I will "approve" anyone who appears to share my interests/passions and disapprove those who simply seek to torment others.
Favorite Movies Tristan and Isolde, Braveheart, A Knight's Tale, Phantom of the Opera, P.S. I Love You, Lord of the Rings, 300, Kingdom of Heaven, Tequila Sunrise, Troy, Only You, Notting Hill, The Holiday, Kate & Leopold, King Arthur, Gladiator, The Illusionist, Air Force One, Die Hard, The Rock, to name a few.
Favorite Music I enjoy many types of music with the exception of most country music. I love Irish music. Celtic Hymns are nice.