
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Homeschooler, Dabbler in Everything
Location Chattanooga, Tennessee
Introduction I'm Melissa. I'm a woman finding her identity with 4 homeschooled children. I'm a retired professional photographer, I'm a youth soccer director, a dance mom and everything else that goes along with all of that. I began this blog when my kids were very, very young and let it go for a long time as I lost my identity to their childhoods. I was diagnosed with PTSD from a lot of trauma from different periods of my life and I've been working for the past 18 months to heal from that. Now, as I regain my sense of self and begin to get my feet beneath me once again, I'd love to rekindle the passion I have for sharing our lives. I love fitness, food, teaching, learning, laughing. Coffee fuels me and my friendships soothe me when my nerves fray.