My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Occupation Pigs
Location North East
Introduction The Purpose of FATGUYFOODBLOG is to find and review the newest snacks and eateries before anyone else does! Found a new candy bar, cookie, chip, or other junk food? Hit up a new restaurant that you think we need to review? Email us at fatguyfoodblog@gmail.com !

Rich- Hates lettuce on sandwiches & burgers. If he was on death row his final meal would be BBQ Chicken Nachos, Gold Fever Wings with cheese melted over them, and a massive Reeses Peanut butter cup sundae with a bucket of peanut butter sauce dumped over it. And an ice cold MOXIE.

Mike- Loves chips and soda more than most people- they go perfectly with every meal. If he was on death row, his final meal would be a bbq chicken calzone with a side of pepperoni and extra cheese pizza and gallons of mountain dew, topped off with a huge bowl of Gifford's Moose Tracks ice cream, the greatest ice cream ever created.

Josh- Shoot him into space and fill his suit with cheese, this man lives and breathes it.