Jaclyn Marie

About me

Occupation Teacher, 2nd grade
Introduction I have the greatest job. Everyday I get to be with wonderful children who make me laugh and inspire me to be the best teacher I can be. I have an amazing husband and have been blessed with children and grandchildren that I adore. I love to be inspired and to learn new things. I like reading books about creativity, about new ways to think about life and the world. It’s hard for me to relax, unless I’m sitting in the sun. I’m not much of a traveler…choosing to spend vacation time at home. My yearly resolution is ALWAYS to become more organized and I have a lot of STUFF to organize.
Interests IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: Art, Artists, Babies, Blogs, Books, Bosley, Cameron, Chad, Coffee, Color, Dave, David, EBAY, Family, Friends, Football, Houses, Internet, Jane, Jarret, Knitting, Lace, Magazines, Mountains, Nests, Noah, Oprah, Paper, Philosophy, Preston, Quilting, School, Sun, Snow, Textile Arts, Trevor, Unique Things, Valentine's Day, Whimsy, Xcellence, Yarn, Zines
Favorite Books Oh MY..where to start. I probably own over 2000 books and I think about 1500 are ART books. The rest are mainly Education/Children books.