Pam Primiani

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Sicklerville, NJ, United States
Introduction After a long ordeal, we finally figured out that my husband, Jim, has a pheochromocytoma in his neck. No surgeon would touch him in NJ where we're from beause of the extreme rarity of his condition, so we've travelled to the Lahey Clinic in Mass. He just had the surgery on Feb 14th. To get the tumor out they had to slit the front of his chin open from his lip down, then around the side of his neck up to his ear. There's a strong possibility that he may never fully recover the use of many functions. On top of it all, I've got some heart trouble and my cardiologist back in NJ thinks I may have already suffered a heart attack due to the damage he saw in some of my tests. I've had to put off getting my own problems taken care of because Jim's problems were more urgent. Someone said to me once that I'm a strong woman and can take it. Well,I'm really not a strong woman, but I'm an angry woman,so I guess that's just as well. Not only am I an angry woman, I'm also a crude one,but there's just too many of my father's truck driver genes in me,so excuse some of the language here if you have virgin ears.The earliest posts are at the bottom of this page,so start there and work your way up.