
My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Internet
Location Indonesia
Introduction Perkenalkan saya hanyalah seorang blogger yang sangat tergila-gila ama artis cuantik Hong Kong "Vicky Zhao Wei" hehehe... Salam sukses selalu.
Interests Pengen jadi full time blogger, Pengen jalan2 ke hong kong hehehe...
Favorite Movies So Close, Pokoknya film2nya Vicky Zhao Wei dah... maklum coz aku tuh penggemar beratnya Vicky gituuu... hehehe...
Favorite Music Vicky Zhao - Angel Suitcase, Vicki Zhao - Last Separation, Vicky Zhao - Love Oneself A Little More, Vicky Zhao - Leaf Worship, Vicky Zhao - There's Time For Tomorrow, Vicky Zhao - Shang Guan Yan & I, The Carpnters - Close To You, Dan masih buanyak lagi & pokoknya lagu2nya Vicky dah