My blogs
Gender | Male |
Industry | Internet |
Location | Indonesia |
Introduction | Perkenalkan saya hanyalah seorang blogger yang sangat tergila-gila ama artis cuantik Hong Kong "Vicky Zhao Wei" hehehe... Salam sukses selalu. |
Interests | Pengen jadi full time blogger, Pengen jalan2 ke hong kong hehehe... |
Favorite Movies | So Close, Pokoknya film2nya Vicky Zhao Wei dah... maklum coz aku tuh penggemar beratnya Vicky gituuu... hehehe... |
Favorite Music | Vicky Zhao - Angel Suitcase, Vicki Zhao - Last Separation, Vicky Zhao - Love Oneself A Little More, Vicky Zhao - Leaf Worship, Vicky Zhao - There's Time For Tomorrow, Vicky Zhao - Shang Guan Yan & I, The Carpnters - Close To You, Dan masih buanyak lagi & pokoknya lagu2nya Vicky dah |