T.M. Terhune

My blogs

About me

Introduction I never thought it was odd that I've always had my own tools, love to cook, enjoy a well-paired wine, have a passion for reading, writing and music, appreciate art and the artistic process, strive to be healthy in every aspect, thrive on politics and think it's important to know what's going on in the world while remembering what's come before -- all while living my own life with its myriad challenges, just like everyone else. Then, people started telling me it wasn't the norm to be so interested and to actively pursue all of these things. When one friend uttered the "R" word -- Renaissance -- I decided to run with it. What I know is that I always have something to say about virtually any topic. Since I write far better than I speak, I chose to take this route to share my thoughts, ideas, opinions, experience -- even if no one is reading what I have to say. The mere act of writing is my catharsis. And if a few people find what I write to be worthy of their time, that's all the better.