Idiots 4 Labour

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Introduction All over the web, on pro-Labour blogs and in CLPs up and down this country, there are Idiots for Labour.

Many of them are well-meaning, many of them malign, most far too stupid for either of those adjectives to be remotely meaningful.

But there are lots of them, and their numerical preponderance among people opposed to the current government's pro-market agenda is a major reason why there have been few successful challeneges to it.

Idiots for Labour brings you the best of their handiwork, be it
  • fatuous posts on blogs
  • halfwit Branch and GC resolutions
  • arguments so stupid it is impossible to work out where to start the counterargument
  • contributions to mailing lists of stunning simple-mindedness; or
  • any proposal to change the leadership of the Labour Party that involves, in any way, the words "Michael" and "Meacher" in that (or any) order.

Contributions are very welcome indeed and should be sent to

The Management