Michael S Howard
My blogs
- Alain Bougearel's "tarot arithmologique du nombre pentagonal 22 = 1+4+7+10"
- Etteilla's Trumps as Interpreted by him and his followers: pictures, translations, commentary
- Etteilla's Angelology
- Cartomancy in 18th century Bologna
- The Mother Letters and the Sefer Yetzirah’s Cube of Space, from Saadia to the Tree of Life
- Tarot & Kabbalah in the 15th & early 16th Centuries
- The Card Games in Aretino's Carte Parlanti
- Binary Patterns in Games and Divination Tools
- The Astral Journey of the Soul
- Depaulis's "Tarot in France before 1500: translation and discussion
- Decker's "The Esoteric Tarot": Ancient Sources Rediscovered in Hermetism and Cabala
- Essays by Michael S. Howard
- Dali's illustrations to Montaigne
- Etteilla and Variants Timeline III, with Links
- Michael Dummett's "Il Mondo e l'Angelo": translations and commentary
- Ambrogio vs. Bonifacio Bembo
- Moakley's 1966 "The Tarot Cards Painted by Bonifacio Bembo", text and updating
- Errors in post-1927 editions of Wirth's "Imagiers"
- Etteilla's Third Cahier and Supplements: Translation & Commentary
- Two blogs: Dionysus in the Tarot, Alchemy in the Tarot
- The Popess of the Tarot and the Double Life of Guglielma
- New Material on the Sola-Busca Tarot
- The Stag on an early Temperance Card
- Mom the Artist
- Blog for people who have trouble joining Tarot History Forum
- Mom the Artist, Part Two
- The Theology of Romeo and Juliet
- Cupid & Psyche, a tale told in art and alchemy
- Essays on Gnostics, one on Cathars
- William Blake's Spiritual Journey
- Using Romeo and Juliet in a Mental Health Setting
- The Hermetic Hamlet Slide Show
- The Tarot Trumps, Some History, from Christian Beginnings to the Esotericists and C. G. Jung
- The Theology of King Lear
- 22 Invocations of Dionysus: The Esoteric Tarot Before 1781
- The divine feminine in Shakespeare's Pericles
- The Esches on playing card imports to Rome to 1480
- Egypt in the tarot: Paul Christian & Co.
- The "Song of the Virtues and Sciences" for Bruzio Visconti
- Translations of Franco Pratesi tarot writings originally in Italian
- Jewish-Christian interactions in Italy before 1500
- Latimer's "Sermons on the Cards": a game of triumphs in which all the players can win
- The Bologna Cartomancy Sheet Compared with Etteilla
- Tarot and the Chaldean Oracles
- Neopythagoreanis... in the Tarot: Sola-Busca, Etteilla, Waite
- Minchiate Variations
- A Few Images
- A Bolognese Origin for the "Tarot of Mantegna"?
- From Marziano to the Ludus Triumphorum
- Ross's chart
- The Rothschild Cards and Giovanni dal Ponte
- Tarot Cards as Renaissance Hieroglyphs
- Giotto's "Virtues and Vices" and Petrarch's "Triumphi" as starting points for the historical tarot
- Pico's Influence on Boiardo's Tarot Poem
- Etteilla's "Temple of Fire" in Memphis
- Trionfi manuscripts and tarot production: is there a correlation?
- Sapelo Island Photos
- The Bolognese Order of Triumphs
- An Empress in Palermo for the "Alessandro Sforza" tarot
- Palingenio's "Zodiacus Vita", 1535 Venice
- Michelino to Cary/Yale to PMB
- "Early minchiate pattern" between Bologna and Florence
- Platonism and the Tarot: From Renaissance Milan to 18th Century France
- Cartomancy from Lot-Books to Etteilla
Gender | Male |
Industry | Non-Profit |
Location | Northwest, United States |
Interests | tarot, Shakespeare |
Favorite Movies | Siberiade, Man of Marble |