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About me

Gender Male
Location Minnesota, Minnesota - (the state where nearly nothing is allowed), United States
Introduction I have always enjoyed photography, especially in the days of film. Taking photos was half the fun. Developing and processing in the dark room was just as rewarding. I find the same holds true in the digital age; post processing is as enjoyable as spending the time composing an image. Photography is art. Ordinary objects we take for granted can be composed into something interesting. Colors, textures, and light can be manipulated to achieve the goal of creating photographic art. I create a bold style for visual impact. Though the image may differ from the actual scene, I am creating what I see in my mind. Not a Xerox replica. This photoblog will evolve as I learn new techniques and hone my skills. Comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated. *Do something different*
Interests Photography, Writing, Travel