
My blogs

About me

Introduction Welcome to the Grounded Prepper. This blog will discuss views relating to "Prepping," the idea of preparing for disaster. Unlike many others, however, I am grounded in the idea that most of us live in suburbs and cities, not on off-grid farmsteads. Most of us don't have a bunker or stacks of gold coins, or a solar generator, or a pallet of freeze-dried food. But we will, at some point in our lives, experience a large-scaled disaster of some type. We should all prepare for that day, grounded in the idea that prepping should be oriented toward likely scenarios where we live. If we just do that, if we do get attacked by an EMP, are thrown into a nuclear winter, or some other dystopian event, we will be steps ahead of others and have a chance to survive. More realistically, if we experience a major fire, earthquake, hurricane of other natural or man-made event, we'll be in good shape to thrive. Read on for more thoughts...