
My blogs

About me

Introduction merdarius is a dweller in dung. His (NB: gender inferred from the linguistic gender of the name, his morphological sex is still unrevealed) main interest is the remarkable similarities between the arctic icecrawlers (Grylloblattodea) and the recently discovered afrotropical heelwalkers (Mantophasmatodea). He also tries to promote critical discussion within the surrealist movement. merdarius has been denied entry into several scientific societies. He is the member of the surrealist group in Stockholm if no one else is present, but also of Kormorantrådet, and a few international surrealist, bibliophilic and naturalist groups that are not too careful about whom they're letting in. the blog has so far mostly dealt with epistemological, methodological, geographical, systematical and organisational questions in the light of surrealism, or about surrealism from the mentioned viewpoints. The modest aim of the blog is to overthrow the current ideological order by means of the multiplication of imaginary sciences (sciences of, on, or in the imagination).
Interests surrealist theory, epistemology, methodology, geography, imagination, ludicism, organisation, historiography, science, philosophy of science, phenomenology, quaternary geology, systematics, evolution, psychoanalysis, dream geography, astronomy, particle physics, popular culture, urbanism