
My blogs

About me

Introduction Teen Angst < x < Midlife Crisis
Favorite Movies Amelie, Unbreakable, Falling Down, Dark City, The Counterfeiters, Innocent, Psycho, Paprika, Falling Down, One Hour Photo, Amadeus
Favorite Music Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Dvorak, Holst, Jean Michel Jarre, AFI, Arcade Fire, Frank Zappa, Jethro Tull, Modest Mouse, Neutral Milk Hotel, Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd, Pixies, Rachmaninoff
Favorite Books 1984, Beowulf, Cat's Cradle, Moby-Dick, Pride and Prejudice, Catcher in the Rye, As I Lay Dying, Les Fleurs du Mal, A Confederacy of Dunces

What kind of tape is best for creating a sculpture?

Duct tape has its merits in design. Notorious for being a multi-purpose adhesive, the possibilities it can open are boundless. It is firm, yet not stiff, and completely unique in the context of other tapes. If you make a mistake, it is easily correctable. Though, if you are in the mood for painting over your sculpture, masking tape is superior for its porous texture.