Mike Van Nattan

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Sports or Recreation
Occupation Master Rod Builder by night and IT Support Lead by day
Location Liberty Hill, Texas, United States
Introduction I am a eclectic individual with a disposition that leans towards eccentricity... ok, whatever that means. I'm half red-neck and half IT Guy which some folks say makes me an idiot geek. But I tend to think of myself as a guy who likes country life but still has to have his tech toys. Actually, I'm only the "IT guy" while at work. Once I leave work I'd rather be wetting line than troubleshooting a network!
Interests Adventure, Fishing, Building fishing rods, planting stuff, gadgets, fishing, electronics, Travelling, being outdoors, fishing
Favorite Movies Movies? Addictive Fishing is my favorite show...
Favorite Music Anything that isn't Rock, Rap, C-Rap, CCM, or other similar music. I like many different kinds of music with my favorites being classical, bluegrass gospel, old time hymns, flamenco salsa, and easy instrumental jazz ( anything that makes musical sense!).
Favorite Books The Bible, Dale Clemens Advanced Custom Rod Building, Take the Stairs, Procrastinate on Purpose, The One thing

You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?

Toast my marshmallows?? I will SMOKE my marshmallows on my Texas-sized BBQ grill!