Gritty in Pink

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Derby Doll
Location Los Angeles, CA, United States
Introduction The year was 2007; the month, July. A hopeless nerd wandered into a former bowling alley on the top floor of a mall in Little Tokyo and strapped on a pair of frayed rental skates to try this thing called "roller derby." It was love at first fall (and the second, and the third, and the 239th). That wordy dork who had never played an organized sport in her 30-something years, (me!) has been training with the amazing Los Angeles Derby Dolls ever since. I may not be the fastest or nimblest girl on the track, but I've got a killer shoulder block and the scrappy determination of a monkey in a knife fight. Follow my trials and tribulations as a fabulously fledgling skater by reading this blog, won't you?
Interests Derby (natch), Boyfriend who makes wine and stuff, our three dogs and many friends, astrophysics, shiny things, and Don Rickles.
Favorite Movies I know I'm going to forget some, but....Joe vs. the Volcano, Wizard of Oz, Return to Oz, Barton Fink, Hudsucker Proxy, Lebowski, His Girl Friday, The Philadelphia Story, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Its a Wonderful Life, anything by German master Uwe Boll, Ed Wood, Showgirls, The Jerk, Gilmore Girls: The Movie.
Favorite Music This could take all day. I gravitate toward indie rock and cool country, but I'm trying to expand my horizons. I love music made by strong kick-ass females, btw, whether its the Shirelles or Joan as Policewoman. Here's a (very) brief alphabetical sampling of some of what's on my iPod right now: Annuals, Arcade Fire, Andrew Bird, Annie Lennox, The Bird and the Bee, BMRC, Blonde Redhead, Bruuuuce!, Buzzcocks, Carole King, Clem Snide, Cold War Kids, Bowie, Decemberists, The Dollyrots, The Donnas, Flaming Lips!!!, Gram Parsons, Heavy Trash, Ike & Tina, Johnny & June, Josh Ritter, Kate Nash, Le Tigre, Lily Allen, Lucinda, Lyle Lovett, MIA, PJ, Pixies, Regina Spektor, Shirelles, Sea Wolf, Shins, Sleater-K., Shelby Lynne, Sonic Youth, Sparks, Spoon, Tegan & Sara, Tom Waits (my favorite recording artist of all time, btw), The Tralala, White Stripes, Willie Nelson, Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Favorite Books Everything by Jeanette Winterson, Lolita, Anna Karenina, Little Women, Mrs. Dalloway, Orlando, Was (Geoff Ryman), the Oz Books, Song of the Lark, Madame Bovary, the Brontes, Jane Austen, Crimson Petal and the White (Michel Faber), Michael Chabon, Margaret Atwood, Janet Fitch, Haruki Murakami, Ian McEwan, the Hernandez Bros., Alan Moore, Albert Camus. I read a lot, you get the picture.