Eric Dohrman

My blogs

About me

Introduction So I've loved food for as long as I can remember, and eating for longer than that. But I never realized it was my true passion until I was forced to decide what I really wanted to do with my life. That decision came thousands of miles from home, while serving a mission for the LDS Church in Southern Brazil. I'd left a full ride scholarship to a state university in order to serve, and after completing my mission my future would be uncertain. I decided one day that I'd simply go for it: find the thing that I most loved doing and figure a way out to make money doing it. And that's what has led me here, to the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York. A long way for a small town kid from Washington State to pursue a dream, but I never want to be left with regret, do you? So if you're interested, you can come along with me. I'll be posting pictures and such of the food I eat and make and maybe a few thoughts on how the whole process is making me feel. Any other questions, just ask!