Michael Cannata

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Technology
Location Boston, Mass, United States
Introduction My name is Michael Cannata. I was born in Boston, Ma. Among my 15 siblings I'm just another Cannata. Out in the real world I'm something completely different. "Eccentric", "peculiar" and "curious" are some of the names I have been called that I like the best. I spend my time working to pay the bills, watching life pass by while I try to learn everything I can about everything I can. I'm a life long musician, a voracious reader and absolute bull-shit artist who loves to tell stories. My family and friends are the most important things in my life. I have a lot of both and as such I have all the love and support I need. I'm not religious in any way yet, I want to understand what life is all about as much as anyone. My favorite pastime is working on my version of the "Theory of Everything". And, by Jove, I think I've got it!