
About me

Location Benbrook, TX, United States
Introduction My husband & I have 6 granddaughters, grandson, plus 4 greatgrandsons.. oh & 2 boys & 2 girls! Sadly,we lost our 2 old horses in 2009, our sweet lil dog in 2007. We enjoy everyone else's pets. My husband is retired, I'm a long-time nurse, no longer working. I've sold Avon for 8 years, finding it a great means of meeting folks & making friends. We volunteer with Pancreatic Cancer Action Network because my brother & our niece died of it in 2002; my cousin died Sept 09, 5 wks after diagnosis. I try to go to Wash,DC each spring to lobby for increased funding, as 2% of NCI research funding isn't enough for the 4th leading cancer killer. We work to increase awareness and provide support for those impacted by this disease. Purple is the color of awareness, so we fit well with TCU fans! We welcome volunteers and requests for information. National website is:, the local affiliate's site is: We have the PurpleStride DFW, our 5K walk/run in Nov!
Interests Family, friends, dogs, horses & other critters, incl. birds. Riding our Harley, enjoy photography, gardening, & are long term volunteers with Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Favorite Movies GEEZ! We enjoy lots of movies, fav actors Jimmy Stewart to Patrick Swayze, Katherine Hepburn to Julia Roberts! And more...
Favorite Music C&W mainly, old & some new... old rock & roll 50-70's especially... just good music! :)
Favorite Books "The Last Lecture" by Dr. Randy Pausch - Carnagie Mellon professor who died of pancreatic cancer July 25 2008, "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" by Harold Kushner

All of the phone numbers have fallen out of your address book. Whose number do you look for first and why?

First of all, who has an address book anymore? The numbers would have to fall out of my phone!:) But, getting the kids/grandkids numbers are priority, because NOW we don't remember them with the phone doing the remembering! The wonderful advances of technology & the pitfalls! LOL!