Steven Owad

About me

Introduction Hi, I'm a crime writer and freelance editor living in the ice-covered barrens of Calgary, Canada. My books include Bodycheck (2005) and Brother's Keeper (autumn 2007). Me in a snapshot: I tend toward the voluptuous, dig weepy chick flicks, and love John Tesh (not the music, but the man himself; I plan to stalk him once I get enough scratch together). My life's accomplishments have been marginal at best, which is all part of my strategy. I plan to "sneak up on 'em" just as soon as I figure out who "'em" are. To learn about my books, or to kill valuable time while more important people deal with world hunger and global warming, check out my website ( You might regret it, but then life's full of regrets. At least you're not working a rice paddy for a living.