LaCrea Silinzy

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Introduction It is my sincere prayer that what is discussed here will provoke, encourage, & empower you & I to become better (better women, better sisters, better mothers, better wives, better daughters, better friends, better human beings). There is ALWAYS room for improvement. :) Let's be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity...Do not neglect the gift that is in you. 1 Tim 4:12-14 God has blessed us all with amazing gifts! Not so we could keep them to ourselves, walking around as if we're the hottest thing since sliced bread.. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm sure you are hot stuff, lol, but give God the glory. You are His awesome handiwork! We have been blessed so that we can in turn BE a blessing. I thank God for each of you and pray that you will not only be blessed by what you discover on this page, but that you will BE a blessing by what you contribute. Growing up, I was the only girl with 5 brothers. I PRAYED for a SISTER - & now, here YOU are. I'd only hoped for ONE, but He had something much bigger in mind! God never ceases to amaze me. He most certainly answers prayers, just not always in the way we expect.