
My blogs

About me

Introduction I am a young man who was once soooo stuck in the factory of duniya engrossed in my wordly life that I completely forgot about my duties to my creator. I was then afflicted with a great calamity and it was then I made my Hijrah. It was then I submitted to the will of my lord. Dont get me wrong I still wrong my soul immensely may Allah have mercy on me. But it was at that standing point in my life when I decided to change and really embrace islam. I mark that as the date I embarked on my hijrah. It was not a physical one, it was a Hijrah of the heart. It is a process that many muslims go through. A time in their lives where they consciously take that first step to make a change in their lives. This can be a really tough and lonely time. The aim of this blog is to offer some experience, advice and encouragement to all my brothers and sisters who take that step. Insha'Allah Ta'llah