Jiinxsay Saoirse Phoenix (Fauveling-Storm)

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Sudbury, Mass. 01776 (famous town) ⚔ , Mass.
Interests i luv fam+friends, PINK, hello kitty, ballet, ice skating, tattoos, piercings, jewelry, makeup, glitz, glam, glitter on my chestbones, sparklies, gossamer, angels, faeries, Royo Goddesses, scene gurls, all kinds of self-expression, awesome fonts, Onomastics & unique baby names, my PINK walls, my real combat boots, LOVE, helping ppl, downeast/ midcoast MAINE, my 2 coasties!, the ocean, the Alps, the White Mountains, Conway Lake-NH., Beals Island-MAINE, Victorian homes, "Return to Tiffany" charm bracelets, Juicy Couture necklaces, web design, computer graphic art, medical terminology, learning all i can about anything medical, most of all i rely on GOD to help me try to be a better person, mother, friend, member of my community, coping with my physical illness & my mental frailties. sometimes i must stay at home to keep myself feeling safe. GOD Bless you all, iLu fellow Bloggiez <3