One Who Was

My blogs

About me

Introduction I live with 4 adoring dogs and a wife of many years. One no longer pays attention to anything I say. I was in the Infantry for almost four years and then worked for one company for most of my life. I'm a registered Democrat, but wonder where the rest of them went when they ran off and left me. I have a theory about Washington. I've formed this theory from watching apparently reasonable people making sound pledges and promises to gain election and then go to Washington and turn into Career Politicians. It has to be the water. I've writing these tirades to accomplish several things, to assist me in keeping my sanity and from suffering a myocardial infarction, whatever that is. I try to use good grammar and spelling, but any errors are not my fault, I use a computer program. If I write something that offends, please be assured that my Mother did in fact rear me better than to do so. I love God, family, country, and those who strive to do the best that they are capable. I hope some of the other 'normal' folks find this and enjoy some of the writings. After all, logic and common sense seem to be in such short supply these days, we need to band together whenever and wherever we can.
Favorite Movies The Third Man, Bridge Over River Kwai