Wendy Hiltz | Touch of Sunrise

My blogs

About me

Industry Education
Occupation Sound & Energy Therapist, Student and Teacher of Meditation, Care Giver
Location Saskatchewan, Canada
Introduction I love: my family, native prairie, wildflowers, riding, weaving, rocking chairs, a fireplace, making buns, toasted marshmallows, hugs, getting the giggles, helping people, the sound of my bowls, finding the deep stillness within, teaching people how to find the deep stillness within, teaching people how to remember who they are at a fundamental level.
Interests My children, all that is sacred and science entwined, Healing, Health, Energy, Chi, Prana, Life Force, Complimentary Therapies, Sound Energy Healing, Music, Massage, Meditation, Tibetan Bowls, All the sacred sound instruments, ancient wisdom of all denominations, philosophy, Quantum Touch ®, Touch for Health, Body Management, Energy Medicine, mind/body, prayer, seeking wellness, divinity, Calm, Kindness
Favorite Movies "What the Bleep Do We Know?", "Gross National Happiness"
Favorite Music I like it all!....anything that makes me smile, sing, want to move, makes me feel alive!
Favorite Books Soooo many! "Hidden Messages in the Water" Masarau Emoto, "In the Presence of Great Mystery" Ekhart Tolle, "Celestine Prophecy" James Redfield, "Nada Brahma The World is Sound" Joachim-Ernst Berendt, "The Healing Power of Sound" Mitch Gaynor, Anything by Tich Nhat Hahn, Eknath Easwaren's "Bhagavad Gita", "Turning the Mind into an Ally" Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, "The Sacred Path of the Warrior" Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, "Commit to Sit" edited by Joan Duncan Oliver, "It's Up to You" Dzigar Kongtrul, "Living with the Himalayan Masters" Swami Rama, "Meditation and it's Practice" Swami Rama, "Miracle of the Breath" Andy Capponigro, " The Science of The Breath" Rama Balantyne & Himes, "The Wisdom of Listening" Mark Brady, *"Silence" Christine Feldman Amazing! It's Literal Art, "Loving Kindness" Saltzman, "Faith" Saltzman, "Mantras Words of Power" Swami Radha, "The Mantram Handbook" Easwaran, "Life Lessons" Kubler Ross & Kessler, "Graceful Passages" Book & CD, "Not Always So" Shunyu Suzuki, "A Path With Heart" Jack Kornfield, "The Posture of Meditation" Will Johnson, "Awakening the Spine" Vanda Scaravelli, "The Elegant Gathering of the White Snows" Kris Radish, "Co-Dependant No More" Melody Beatty, "You Can Heal Your Life" Louise Hay, "Wherever You Go There You Are" Jon Kabat-Zinn, "Prayer" MK Gandhi, "Three Day Road" Joseph Boyden...to Niska who knows that to heal requires that you remember who you really are."The Places That Scare You" Pema Chodren, "The Relaxation Response" Herbert Benson, "Real Happiness" Sharon Saltzberg, "Happiness" Matthieu Ricard, "Happiness" Thich Nhat Hanh, "How to See Yourself as You Really Are" The Dalai Lama, "Leaves Gently Falling" Susan Bauer-Wu "Queen of Dreams" Heather Valencia, "Yoga Nidra" Richard Miller, "Yoga Nidra" Swami Satyananda Saraswati, "The Four Agreements" Don Miguel Ruiz, "The Four Agreements Companion Book" Don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills, "Still Alice" and "Love Anthony" Lisa Genova