Daniel A Stuart

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Entrepreneur & Artist
Location Maryland, United States
Introduction In a world where we are inundated with one sales pitch after another I have decided not turn this 'About' section into yet another one. I suppose I don't really want to sell myself to you as much as I want to bring you value. I have fashioned my life in such a way that I move towards what enlivens my soul and away from the trappings of the clockwork 9 to 5 machine. ​ I value creativity, depth, wonder, and kindness. Hopefully my various business pursuits reflect this and can bring you closer to your goals should they align. Whether it be one of my reflective books, a piece of dynamic metal sculpture / jewelry, or just having a good time doing something as unusual as axe throwing, I hope what I do brings you closer to that wonderful alive feeling. If my work can help you expand in that way then it really doesn't matter to me if you remember my name as I will still leave this earth with the feeling of a job well done.