
About me

Introduction My background is in Economics and Business but I have always had a fascination for going to new places and meeting new people. I have visited over 30 countries in four continents (and waiting for a good excuse to go to Australia and New Zealand!). So it is not a surprise that I have been working in the travel industry for the last 5 years. My first job was at Thomson, the tour operator, working as a pricing analyst. During 3 years this job gave the opportunity to learn how different companies produce and market their travel packages. Afterwards I saw an opportunity to work at Auto Europe and learn about new strategies in web advertising. In particular, I have been working in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for a year and a half. In simple terms, this method is about improving the availability of a website in search engines like Google or Yahoo. To me this has been quite a revelation. What surprises me most is that any company, big or small, can make successful online advertising campaigns by learning all the basic rules of SEO.